A Swedish photographer coming to NYC
Hey New Yorkers!
A friend of mine who is also a good photographer is going over to NYC on March 25th and staying to April 6th. He’s looking for a place to stay that could also function as a photo studio for some non-commercial shoots for a NY based fashion designer and a modeling agency (I don’t know which ones). Preferably in Manhattan or Brooklyn/Williamsburg if possible and with large windows with an industrial warehouse style. He would have no problem at all offering his photo services pro-bono as part of payment. Here is his IG: @martinlandl (https://www.instagram.com/martinlandl?igsh=MTcxNzB6NjBkOG15ZQ==)
Any one here that can help him out?
Take care guys!
Niklas Norrby
A Swedish photographer coming to NYC
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