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$LAB Update
Hey guys just wanted to give you all a LAB update. I first called it here on this channel at 700k MC it recently hit a ATH of 28M. It’s been a hell of a ride to say the least. We are currently sitting at around 14M. I am more bullish on this project now then ever before, as i have been in since the early days i have gotten close to the dev and am lucky enough to know what’s happening behind the scenes. To drop some alpha. I do know that there is a Market makers set to start doing their thing with the $LAB. I expect this to take $LAB from here right past ATH. Another thing they have lined up is onboarding some big time influencers on the crypto scene on X. All of these partnerships that the professor has worked out has costed over 100K per person he has onboarded. The professor simply moves different. Another thing that’s insanely bullish about $LAB is the community multi sig is at 1.5 MILLION dollars. That’s a lot of money for community to run experiments for a very long time I am falling asleep i could get into more detail, but just know this is basically the start of $LAB CA 2Pp6ebUvEL9YRTauUTmGTwYZKRfyQXGM9jE4S8WPDtEy
Market conditions
The Crypto Market is currently very choppy, but don’t forget one of the principles of success which is desire- Knowing what one wants. Remember the goal, don’t lose conviction. I don’t see this lasting much longer and i actually think this is one of your last chances to accumulate. Here is a photo showing this.
Market conditions
Trump world
Trump world currently sitting at 150k. Five days old. They launched out of pumpfun and ran to 400k and then got nuked to 19k from early buyers. I have started talking with team and starting tomorrow they are going to push this project. I originally bought into this because the animations are second to none for trump plays. There’s many trump coins doing really good but i haven’t seen one with this type of content yet. Team plans to roll out new animations tomorrow, i’d say it’s a slight re launch starting tomorrow. Also team owns 60% of supply so that will help price rise, as team has long term vision. if few million. CA EYsTgGpKUzuqJa6QF45mUxPXdhcscELEeRrJkgJqpump X @Trumpworldsol
New comment 23d ago
Absolute gem of a meme
$LAB is an absolute unicorn in this space. With a dev who calls himself professor funding this entire project from his own wallet. Doing all this while locking his entire supply for 30 days to show his commitment to this project long term! The lab is a social experiment through marketing, trying different experiments, seeing what works best. The goal is 100M!! check it out CA- 2Pp6ebUvEL9YRTauUTmGTwYZKRfyQXGM9jE4S8WPDtEy
New comment 24d ago
Mother is one of the best performing celebrity meme coins of all time. The creator is Iggy Azalea. a retired musician. It's hard to say where this coin goes. So far it's been amazing. Most of the celeb meme coins don't last because most celebs don't know crypto very well and think they can come in and make a bunch of money in a fast amount of time. people have caught on and are very skeptical of celeb coins. The reality is that if the creator is actually backing the coin they will do very well. They need a niche too. This $mother meme coin is brilliant because the crypto space is full of men and lacks women. So it's really cool to see not only a celeb but a women that has so far proven everyone wrong and has had amazing success so far. Lots of people are getting onboard and this coin could have amazing potential. Iggy owns around 3% of the supply and that is already valued in the millions of dollars for her. I think this has the potential to have a market cap that reaches the billions. What do you think?
New comment 25d ago
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