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Ye Olde Community Rules
1. Thou shalt not be annoying. Because most people don't like getting annoyed. 2. Thou shalt post no GIFs or videos before me (except in comments). This group is for memes (static images). Because it's meant to be a relaxing place. So try not to post GIFs unless it's in the comments. 3. Thou shalt not allow unclean or hurtful words out of thy mouth. No swearing, cussing, foul language, provoking, bullying, or anything the Mods deem inappropriate. 4. Thou shalt only post family-friendly content. No NSFW memes. No raunchy stuff or sexual innuendos. Because there are kids watching. Everywhere. 5. Thou shalt not post inappropriate content. Nothing political, religious, sacrilegious, or anything the Mods deem inappropriate. 6. Thou shalt do no self-promotion in this land where thou art dwelling. No spamming. No self-promotion. No trying to game the system and get backlinks or traffic back to your own stuff. 7. Thou shalt party hearty and have fun. Let's rock!
Ye Olde Community Rules
Which Skool level you at?
New comment 40m ago
Which Skool level you at?
Facebook Groups vs Skool Groups
New comment 2h ago
Facebook Groups vs Skool Groups
1-30 of 37
Funny Skool Memes
Use these funny Skool memes to relieve stress and never need alcohol or cigarettes again. Hilariously unique biz memes you won't find anywhere else.
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