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Stage Mastery Training is happening in 7 days
Filler Words
I just recorded and edited my first episode of my first podcast, and I just have to say, holy crap I use "um" and "uh" A TON!!! Work on those filler words people. Watch yourself and do whatever you need to do in order to get rid of those. I'm sure I'll look back at this in 50 episodes and just cringe even more than I am now. Any tips from anyone on what has worked for them to stop using these crutch words?
New comment 19h ago
What step are you struggling with most?
Some of you have some steps done, some are missing some steps, and some are in the wrong order. What step is your biggest hurdle right now?
New comment 16d ago
What step are you struggling with most?
Streaming Advice
I’d love to figure out streaming, and while I keep hearing OBS as a top free contender, there are other things I’d love to have as a feature that require additional software add ons as far as I can tell with my research tonight. Features I’d love to figure out are: 1-stream with a text overlay of all the different platform chats combine so that no one audience feels left out of the convo and I’m not talking to any segmented audience. 2- on command overlay triggers (like fun inside joke animations that I can make and press a button to get it to work. I have a stream deck that I suspect can achieve this but I’m not clear on how OBS and the stream deck play together. If there are alternative processes I’m open to hearing them.) 3-any top suggested permanent overlay structure layouts 4-running a stopwatch timer on screen. 5-streaming from my phone to multiple places (I do own a DSLR if that’s the more preferred method) 6-streaming both horizontal and vertical video. WHEW! Ok, those are the big questions I have and I’d love to hear any solutions or suggestions this group has to help me out on some top questions that came out of my research tonight. OR! Even if it’s just getting a simple stream up before adding all the extra dressings I’d love to have I’m open to that. Is OBS the place to even start? Thanks!
New comment Aug 17
Your assignment for tonight.
Share your three enrolling questions. Remember, this is the bones. Will add the meat later.
New comment Jul 25
How to do A Poll
I know I asked this before, I forgot how to do this & I can't find it in the posts. Thank you everyone.
New comment Jul 23
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