If you’re building a community
If you want a strong, active community, take a look at this.
I’ve seen this too often - a guru with a scarcity mindset that needs everything to be about them.
A guru-centric community, skool group, or Facebook group means that everyone is only there because of the guru, just like the pic on the left.
This is not community, this is not leadership, and this does not create strength.
One disconnection and you’ll loose them.
A people-centric community means that we are connected together. We celebrate one another.
It’s not about the guru. It’s about your people. Look how many connections there are in the right. This is possible when the guru has set up their tribe in such a way that we connect with each other. We support each other, and that there is value, even when the “guru” isn’t posting.
When you create your community, facilitate networking, celebrate your members wins, and spread the abundance of people doing business together.
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Marianne Hickman
If you’re building a community
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