Vision Quest
Today I embark on an initiation that has been kept alive in indigenous culture for centuries. What an honour it is to be invited to take part if this Vision Quest.
4 days and 4 nights, no water, no food. Just a medicine wheel, an altar, a tarp, and a sleeping.
I share this with you all because I believe it’s important than men willingly put themselves through deep challenges as a form of initiation. I believe one of the main issues in our modern day of masculinity is that young men lacking such opportunities to be initiated into manhood.
Furthermore, I am stepping into this so willingly because walking the walk is a deep part of my values. I want to guide young men into their divine manhood and masculinity, and I cannot do this without embodied wisdom.
If you’d like to support me, you can pray for me this weekend, eat food for me, and drink water for me.
The picture posted is of my prayer ties. Each time I did a pray with tobacco and wrapped the colour cloth with the tobacco to hold the prayer. This we hold the container of my medicine wheel and that will be the space that I remain for the 4 days. There are 108 ties.
All my relations 🙏🏼
Lion Carew
Vision Quest
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
A community of men who wish to awaken out of the daze of desensitization, and step into their conscious, powerful, purpose-driven selves
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