Redirection and back to Center
The big news: I am no longer apart of HPA. I have resigned from my position as President of the company so that I can refine my focus.
What are my focuses:
  • Sexual Embodiment
  • Human Design
  • Group offerings for men
  • Land management (retreats and experiences)
The first one is obvious, I am going to focus more on Sacred Self-Pleasuring practice I have created for men. My vision is to have Sacred Self Pleasure as a certified training that is recognized as a pathway to attaining a higher level of connection with one's own body and sexual energy, and thus in more integrity and balance with these energies.
Human Design: I am deeply passionate about this system, as it has brought me so much insight and clarity in my own life. I use Human Design with all of my clients, and that data continues to prove its utility. I am currently developing medium ticket ($300-500) coaching process that will help you live into your design and gain the benefits of more life fulfillment and better understanding how your energy works for life, work, and relationships.
Group offerings for men: Online classes, group coaching containers, and more challenges (similar to the current 22 day semen retention challenge). Men need brotherhood to grow and to be held accountable. More than anything, I want to leave this world knowing I helped men become better versions of themselves, and that I helped men come together in more loving ways so they can be of better service, and so that this work moves down to the next generations.
Land Management: Some of you may know that I spent a good amount of time int Mexico (Bacalar) and Peru (Sacred Valley) this past winter. In person experiences are very important to me, as I feel they are where massive transformations really occur. The Mexico Village is a project that I am working on that will be for men to come for a month stay to upgrade their lives in a holistic fashion: physical, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. The Mexico Village is set up with a full gym, amazing local foods, and access to the healing and famous Bacalar Lagoon. The project in Peru is focused more on plant medicine and the connection to that powerful land. I will be running Sacred Rhythms Breathwork, Embodiment, and Plant medicine retreat again in March of 2025. This is an experience for both men and women.
Whats up next for this community? 👇
Being completely transparent, I am in a very low energy state. In the Human Design system, my energy type is a Manifestor. Maninfestors go through cycles of big bursts of energy (creative urges) and really low energy (rest cycles). I am currently in a rest cycle and I am also feeling a little under the weather.
For now, I am going to continue leading the 22 Day Semen Retention Challenge. I would encourage you to join even if you missed the first week because I packed A LOT of value in this free challenge. After the challenge, I am going to be offering some Sexual Embodiment classes (not free).
Further in the future, I will be releasing programs, running group coaching, and brining in other experts to work alongside me, all within Skool.
That's all for now ✌️
Lion Carew
Redirection and back to Center
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
A community of men who wish to awaken out of the daze of desensitization, and step into their conscious, powerful, purpose-driven selves
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