Is Your Social Media Feed TOO SEXY??
Hey brothers!
Since doing the 22 semen retention challenge, my mind has changed so much. I haven't been seeking pornography, and so most days I don't watch because it is not top of mind anymore.
HOWEVER, Instagram has been a constant trigger! My algorithm has adapted to me desiring to see so many sexually suggestive posts. And I have watched porn because of those triggers.
I felt like maybe I'd have to delete my IG and start over to wipe the feed clean, which i was loathe to even think about lol.
Well today i found a major helping solution, which i shared and attached here.
I found a space where i could edit what IG suggests to me and I
1.) Turned off all suggested posts for 30 days
2.) Limited all sensitive content which includes sexually suggestive content.
And when I went to my feed and my explore page, it is now completely different! It's everything that has to do with my positive interests now!
I'm super grateful to have been able to cut those triggers out!
I hope this helps bro!
Tramon McZeal
Is Your Social Media Feed TOO SEXY??
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