How to actually Heal yourself
This is going to be short and sweet, and I invite you all to really sit and meditate on this on for at least the next week.
Healing is not something you (the ego) does. I, Lion Carew, am not healing anyone.
Yet, at the same time, we have profound and immense capacities to heal others and ourselves.
HOW can this be?
This is because we are conduits (channels) for God, Source, Great Spirit, and ultimately Unconditional Love.
All great healers understand this and do their work from this place — they know that their identity is not responsible for healing, but rather that they are a channel for the infinite power and healing abilities of unconditional love.
Unconditional love is healing because it allows all things to occur.
Another key aspect to this is holding a paradox within the subject object relationship within this healing dynamic: You (the subject) and the other (the object) are both separate and the same. The true healer recognizes that object they are working on is ultimately apart of them (the subject) and thus, they source unconditional love to themselves, and are healing themselves. Only through this recognition of the illusion of separation is the healing possible, because you can't heal anyone else.
How to make this practical:
  • Start meditating with your heart ad connecting with unconditional love from God/Source/Spirit everyday
  • Remind yourself everyday that all comes from God, is for God, and is with God.
  • Take back your power and recognize that anyone who you believe is responsible for you're healing, is truly not the case. Only you are responsible for your healing
Lion Carew
How to actually Heal yourself
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
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