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I'm sharing my secret sauce on how I learn beats!
Would love to get your thoughts in the comments
I'm sharing my secret sauce on how I learn beats!
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What are your goals for this week? Does anyone need support with anything? I’ve got some content coming this week which I’m looking forward to sharing with you
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New comment Apr 3
The Session Connection
Thanks to @Louis Briscoe for his dissertation questions! Good luck with your finals🤞🏽 What is a good way to begin building a career as a session musician and what skills and attributes can make a session musician stand out among everyone else? This is individual for everyone. If everyone developed the same skill set as the next person no one would stand out. That being said, there are some baseline expectations; that you can play expressively, that you blend in both musically and personality wise to your surroundings, you can learn and retain information quickly. Focusing on what could make you stand out won’t put you further ahead of anyone but acting in alignment with your own joy will draw you closer to the work that you ultimately want to end up doing. When I think back to my time at university and who's successfully made a living from their instrument and feel accomplished it's the people we acted in alignment with their goals. That's not to say have a narrow outlook but be honest with yourself on the opportunities you take. - Why am I taking on this opportunity? Money/experience/travel? It's all valid - Does this put me closer to my ultimate goal? - Does this fill me with joy? - Am I growing from the experience in some way? These sorts of questions are much more likely to help you carve out a path than asking if you’re reading chops up to scratch. The skillset you are asking about will develop as you enter the industry and gain experience so don't worry about having it all figured out. I'm a firm believer that the right work will find you at the right time. I encourage this type of mindset in aspiring players because it remedies impatience and helps to build resilience. To me, the most important quality is fluidity in expression. Can you competently express your musical ideas in a tasteful manner that serves the song? The answer to the question has a mix of great technique, sensitivity when playing, an eclectic taste in music that can be expressed on the chosen instrument.
The Session Connection
Please feel free to ask your questions below and I'll do my very best to answer them!
New comment Apr 2
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