What Type of Training Do You Want⁉️
We are currently in the works of creating some great products that are going to be single payment low ticket products with different specialized skills.
Example of these products and what they will focus on:
  1. How to edit videos for social media marketing
  2. How to create content that is authentic
  3. How to figure out what you're going to sell online
  4. How to do email marketing easily and profitably
  5. How to create digital products
  6. Top online business ideas that actually make money
  7. How to create micro-commercials to get sales from organic content
  8. etc. etc. etc.
I'm curious what are some products that you wish you had if you could request them?
What types of training are you looking for?
These products will be roughly an hour long and less than $99.
Down in the comments if you could tell us what you want the cool thing is if people vote up your suggestions in the comments we will make it.
We might even give you a huge discount when they launch because you're already a member inside the community.
Alright let's see what you want in the comments!
Appreciate your help with this!!
See you in the comments,
PS: I'm very interested to see who has the best ideas.
I'm very interested in seeing how gets the most votes too!
Mike Gowans
What Type of Training Do You Want⁉️
Transform your expertise into a highly scalable, highly profitable online course business.
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