Feb '24 in General
Want To Sell Advice Online w/ ZERO Tech?
Join us for the "Community Riches Workshop" today from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST.
If you're not apart of BuildLab or Not A Member of Pocket Coaching you can join us for the workshop by getting signed up here.
You'll get lifetime access to Pocket Coaching (Value $324), 30-minute 1:1 Zoom session with Mike (Value $500), and access to the Community Riches Workshop (Value Priceless).
The workshop will show you have to sell your advice online without needing a website, funnel, email automations, or any tech headaches. We will do this by use just Skool, Loom, Zoom, and Stripe.
If you want to join us LIVE today and get the recording be sure to get started here.
Once you join shoot me an DM here on Skool and I will unlock your Pocket Coaching and grant you access to the registration link.
Don't waste time this happens in about 40-minutes as of the time of me creating this.
Mike Gowans
Want To Sell Advice Online w/ ZERO Tech?
Transform your expertise into a highly scalable, highly profitable online course business.
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