OK, I think I’m getting stuck or might be over complicating it but my niche or the thing that I enjoy talking about the most is computer programming. I have a YouTube channel called Case Digital where I teach people how to program with an emphasis in the python programming language. However, that is very much helping people solve their problems and I focus on a lot of beginner stuff. I’ve been thinking about creating this school community to help people solve their problems but then trying to figure out how I would monetize this because what I put on YouTube is answers to peoples questions like “how to remove a character from a string in python?”
Would it be best to create a free community that continues to do what I’m doing but then have paid links to do one on one calls and then eventually create a paid community where we combine the knowledge from the beginner stuff to build projects that I or the community come up with?
I asked this question before about what’s the difference between the free and paid communities and Mike gave a great response that I believe was something like the free is more like the what you do and the paid is more of how.
So would it be safe to say that maybe in the programming that the free would be more of the simplistic “how do you do small things” and the paid would be more of how you do like a project?
I guess I’m just not sure about creating a paid community that has a lot of the simplistic how to questions when it already putting them on YouTube for free if that makes sense.
Any and all thoughts would be appreciated!