Hi! My name is Derrell
I'm originally from Alabama, however I live in Michigan now. My company is Greyn Acres and I am in the farm and animals niche.
My goals for this course is to first, learn about marketing online and gain it as a new skillset. Second, use that to skillset to compliment my current income to fund some projects that need to be completed. Third, I'd like to level up my skillset up enough so that it allows me to change my work path to selling online full time.
For fun I like to play video games such as call of duty, madden, world of warcraft. Also. I raise chickens and will be moving into rabbits and quail real soon.
Finally, I like to play pickleball and go on walks to stay active.
Attached is a pic of my "home office", it aint pretty but its all mine.
Derrell Reynolds
Hi! My name is Derrell
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