Literally copy this post to make sales....
On sales call does this over 30 mins..
Establish Rapport/Frame
  1. Be warm friendly + pick 1 specific 
  2. State the outcome of the call 
  3. Did you have a clean piece of paper in front of you 
Discovery (whats that like for you?)
  1. Problem
  2. Why its a problem 
  3. Cost of inaction
  4. Goal 
  5. Why now
Transition to pitch
  1. Did I miss anything? 
  2. Great…so I definitely think we can help. I can walk you through it a-Z….you tell me though where do you want to go from here? 
  1. Great…well you know how you said (the thing about ABC or DEF) 
  2. Here’s how we fix that 
  3. Does that sound like what you need?
  4. Transition to pitch drop 
  5. Explain the first steps? 
Michael Scott
Literally copy this post to make sales....
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