What if it's all bullsh*t?
What if ACiM teachings are all bullsh*t? What if we have drank the punch and are choosing to blindly spiritualize the world in attempts to be apathetic to our own suffering or worse yet, the suffering of others? What if I'm just fooling myself and this Peace, Joy, Love and God stuff? What if I'm just being conned out of my time and money (if I've invested money along this path)? What if this just is covering a poop world with pink paint? What then?
These and similar questions are ones we probably have heard in our thinking mind throughout our discovery, discussion and practice of A Course in Miracles. Guess what -- you are right!!! The what if mind does have a myriad of questions and since none of us were sitting next to Helen when she was receiving, there could be accuracy in this line of questioning.
I've experienced this myself, numerous times. Especially when the tangible nature of the world with all its trauma, loss, hate, grief or despair just seems to grab you by the heart and hair. Ouch! I've also felt this way when I've met some other students of the Course who present as "blissninnies" (a term coined by Bill Thetford himself). These are the individuals who present as "high on life" and surely not "normal." They've perhaps joined one of the few cult-like groups across the Course community, refuse to pay their bills or work jobs, seemingly couch surfing their way through life. Am I that??? I've asked. Am I just fooling myself?
Yes, you are!!! However, this foolishness is not what the thinking or judging mind wants you to believe. Practicing A Course in Miracles will bring up every question and hidden shadow that the thinking mind wants to possess. This IS the process of practice. If you feel or think any of the above, this means the Course is working (and also working you)!!
Every moment we are told that we havea choice to see again or consider that there must be a better way. It is is question by Helen and Bill that literally led to this work coming to fruition. I couldn't begin to list the numerous quotes throughout the material that state this choice for unlearning/undoing is the central core of our teaching. The Rules for Decision (and quite a few of the daily lessons) stand out to me as some of the most succinct ways to summarize this constant choice.
How we can realize IF we are on the most helpful path (notice I didn't say "right path" as that could represent a judgment in form) is through the results we feel. You shall know Peace by many of its companions... smiling more often, feeling more clear-headed, less reactive, less anxious, less muddled or stuck by day to day bull. Not in a "blissninny" sort of way, because the experience is still seen and you can still relate to these experiences with realizing and practicing compassion or empathy.
You'll see the "proof" by taking a moment to look within and notice that once what before "pushed your buttons" doesn't have the same strangling grasp upon you. Additionally, you also might notice that you are breathing a bit freer, feeling a bit more joyous (if not a lot) and also simply feelingmore confident to carry on in the world despite its despairing circumstances.
This to me tells me that I'm not deceiving myself by deciding with Source that I am as God Created Me and that my practicing of forgiveness moment by moment is real, helpful, true and purposeful. The companions of peace instead of pain (more peace and less pain) tells me there IS something here in this Course to be seen, considered and practiced.
Yes, we may be fooling ourselves and the only foolishness is in actually choosing pain over peace when the opportunity for Peace is actually knocking on our proverbial door.
Thanks for joining with me on this adventure! Can you pass the punch? 😉
Pamela Mills
What if it's all bullsh*t?
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