Understanding and Faith
There is an Ever-Present Love Known to exist deep beyond you. Seeking for and revealing this Love seems to be goal of all spiritual practice. But what if I told you that this Love goes nowhere and needs nothing from you? This statement may make sense to the advanced student. This student has come to recognize their ultimate changeless Nature and how the so-called spiritual practice is only about reacquainting oneself with Love beyond form and time’s perceived distance.
However, to the average earth-goer, who still believes in the value of the world around them, this Ever-Present Love appears to hide. “Where do I need to go to find Love?” is the question of the thinking mind. For Me, to respond to a heartfelt inquiry, “nowhere” presents elusive and frustrating. But yet, in Truth there is nowhere to go and nothing needed to do in order to Know Love. The space between this Knowledge and your personal awareness presents as vast and confusing.
If I take the value of the world from you, are you then left with emptiness? Surely, to be left with a perceived void of identity, is not My intention. I am not here to psychologically wound you. The Lessons are about recognizing where false evidence appears real and how the world’s witnesses are accepted as valued, despite their ability to make only despondency. The majority of humanity has yet to realize this unfruitful pathway.
The thinking mind wants to continue to seek even when you begin to realize that the seeking is not working. “What then do I have for myself?” you ask. Everything, My Beloved. You HAVE Everything! You ARE Everything.
[Pam asks] “How can I have everything if objects, people and circumstances are nothing but models of separation? It is this separation that I see.”
Do not measure yourself by such limited means. You have everything because you have the ability to not allow limitations to define you. Here, the Entirety of Creation reveals its Self once more, because you no longer are seeing through eyes that choose to define or separate.
Yes, the choice for ‘separation sight’ may seem unconscious; however, do you make and agree with judgments? Here then, by making and agreeing with judgments, is the choice for separation repeated. Indeed, in a myriad of justifications you tell your self the same story, repeatedly. No more! Release your self from these judgments. (and yes, even if determined to be temporary ‘observations.’ These stories too are judgments reimagined).
You are Everything in that no aspect of Creation can NOT possess the Self-Same-Light of Source. Choose instead to Recognize THIS Connection in All and there can no longer be a further sense of isolation.
[Pam asks] “How does one ‘define themselves’ in the surrounding world, if the world itself has no meaning?”
Release the need to define! I know, this seems much more easier said than done! And yes, as you have pointed out before, every aspect of the world is easier said than done. But yet, admittedly, there is nothing more alien or challenging to the thinking mind than giving up everything this mind thinks it knows and relies upon.
[Pam asks] “By revealing the pointlessness of the ‘conditional world,’ emptiness appears to be so profound! So, what then? What am I supposed to do or feel? Have faith?!?”
In a manner of speaking, yes. However, this ‘faith’ is not meant to be more emptiness or confusing ideology. Faith is meant to be trusted, not guessed or assumed. Faith is not meant to be a chore. Faith is not done because you are fearful of the alternative or because generations of people beforehand have told you that one “must have faith” as an answer to the chaotic world. Faith is a response to the Call. Faith is to come from an open Heart and not a fearful belief.
To say one is to have faith is the same as to say one can accept that they alone do not have all the answers. Faith is better to be understood as a willing curiosity rather than a scoping through the darkness. Yes, Beloved, life as you understand it is chaotic and full of emptiness. The answers sought within the conditional world are not but temporary attempts to find solace. They are indeed unable to satisfy.
Recognizing the inability to be satisfied by the world can either lead to despondency or the desire to See another Way outside your own personal understanding. This journey need not be terrifying. The conditional world IS terrifying because all this identity can present to you is vulnerability. Willingness for an open curiosity of another answer, is the Way towards Realizing that Answers need not come from you or the world’s intellect. Therefore, Faith is saying ‘ENOUGH! I am done with this wayward thinking.’
Here, through True Humility, you bow away from the thinking mind’s perceptions and choose a Way that may not be understood by you, but also holds no terror. Faith allows you to exchange your vulnerability for forgiveness. Yes, the conditional world is emptiness and what if this place of wayward imaginings need not define you? Not that you should wish to escape the world physically, but instead find a Way to step beyond the need for making the concept of the world meaningful to you. Can you let the emptiness seemingly resulting also be radiant? Can darkness be an invitation towards finding the Light?
[Pam asks] “How?”
By simply letting go. Beloved, misery comes only from the attempt to define the indefinite. This need to define is resistance to the Truth. Struggle leads you no where except to exhaustion and frustration. Choose instead release. Embrace the “I do not know” and rest in openness for what elseness can appear.
Think of the childhood toy of fitting shaped pegs into holes. To the thinking mind’s judgment this action makes sense. Every peg must have a hole that seems to fit. But what then of the pegs that do not fit? First, you may try all the varying alternative holes. Second, you twist and turn the peg. Third, you force the peg to fit despite discomfort and disappointment. Lastly, you simply give up (but only perhaps after a brief temper tantrum). Do you see the metaphor?
Beloved One, you stand now at the edge of release. Looking at the vastness, you seem overwhelmed by the emptiness and frustration. However, you can also begin to lean in. Breathe and center your mind beyond the despair. Let yourself float above the need to understand. Release your self from the desperate need to make meaning or find a place for yourself within the uncertain world.
Look at the conditional world’s ‘terminal results:’ death, disease, destruction, disappointment. Where do these pegs belong so that you can better understand them? See the yearnings to understand and offer forgiveness for the desire leading to these despondent results.
The desire to understand with and through your own personal mind is a wish to fulfill an emptiness that is simply misunderstood and therefore wanting in itself. From emptiness becomes emptiness. Projection makes perception. Realize with Me that the conditional world does not ‘leave you empty.’ Instead, your perceived emptiness, desolation from Self-Same-Self-Source has made an empty world. When you are ready, choose instead to See another Way.
Yes, you will not find your meaning from other people, objects, worldly pursuit, power, influence or purposes. These are holes for more temporary pegs. Now you have come to reshape yourself beyond holes or pegs. Now you recognize that indeed you may no longer fit. Put the game away. Therefore, instead of jamming yourself into a space you no longer belong, be willing to no longer define yourself by either peg or hole. Be the space beyond the form. Rest instead into the Hand that Guides You.
By opening to Guidance beyond your own thinking, you no longer need to understand and feel a freedom that can better be seen as neutral. “I Am” is The Call. “That I Am” IS The Response. Breathe and gently allow yourself these words, not for understanding but for Faith. Here, you will find the Peace sought, not in temporal imaginings or intellectual meanderings; but, ultimate Fulfillment. Here, realizing the Extension of Creation that You have timelessly Been, from a centralized focus on Truth, you can look around you and See not but Joy, Radiance, Welcoming and yes, Completion. No longer are you empty but fulfilled beyond your own imagining. Rest here and Know Thy Self.
Love Is.
Pamela Mills
Understanding and Faith
LTC Ashram
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