Journaling with Lesson 50
To be sustained is to be ‘held up’ and supported. Here is the Authorship of Your Holiness enveloping You, unyielding. Source holds you up as a respite to your nightmares. We have spoken many times about God’s unfailing, changeless Nature. Nonetheless, body-time-self believes it is alone and unloved. Today we reclaim the Truth, that has never left You.
What does such a statement actually mean to a mind that does not understand Certainty? To the thinking mind seeing not but vulnerability and loss? Such a concept requires you to literally step out of every idea or evidence you think you know in the conditional world in order to See again. Yet before one can ‘step out’ let’s take a moment to look at what we are releasing and then mindfully moving towards.
Let’s be direct. You, as body-time-self, cannot begin to thoroughly understand the entirety of the Beingness in which I speak. This is okay. The ideas are not but averse to every identification that you think you know about yourself and the world that you believe sustains you. The confusion is so deep that Truth appears more threatening than illusion. Since birth you are taught many concepts and rarely is there teaching shared about God Sustaining You without contrary condition.
In the teachings from the conditional world, God is worshipped, feared, and wholly misunderstood. You are told the he ‘loves you’ but also judges you for every action and reaction in a world that is not but cruel and unyielding in its threats, both minor and major. You can’t get out of this world ‘alive’ so to speak, less you discover just the right way to appease and not fall short of his warped and tangential favor. From these lessons, authored and embraced by the conditional world, blame, shame and guilt take root, seeding from every mistaken aspect of humanity’s ‘god.’ This understanding is not one of Love and surely is not One with Your Source.
Yet, in the same moment, a distant memory persists. A craving for another way echoes through the mind, like an ancient melody. Some call this the yearning for spirit or truth. The thinking mind tells you it wants silence and peace. Yet, once given the opportunity for such experiences, the thinking mind balks in resistance. Contrary is its way, you know. The loudest resistance comes from within, during some of the quietest moments.
How then, do you enter in to Who Sustains You, if you do not know how to look? This is where willingness is most engaged. The more the open awareness realizes that only you keep you from You, the more peaceful shall you become. Release for Peace. Seek no longer. Be Still. The busyness is comforting to the thinking mind whose raucous shrieks of fear, blame, shame and guilt must be drowned out by seeking.
Who ever in the world thought that actual Peace would arise from Being Still and not ‘accomplishing?’ Only from beyond the cacophony of ideologies do you come to Know a Self renewed but All Ways unchanged. This is why in quietness the thinking mind gets louder. Piling distraction onto distraction is not but diversion from the Self. Instead, we stop and seek no more. Today we begin by simply looking and releasing. Here you can remember You as free.
From misbegotten thoughts has humankind made a god in its own images. This idol-making is the god of fear and judgment, one who does not Know You but only dreams along with you, from you, telling the thinking mind the narrations desired of madness. Being sustained by the Love of God is realizing that the gods the idol-seeking mind has made are false gods, who do not Know You and can solely serve the mistaken identity.
Source IS of All, beyond any dream of image. Here, there is no wanting, for All is Complete. Bodies, experiencing separation, seek a representation of this familiarity to tame the madness. But why appease the insanity with temporary satisfaction when in Truth one could give all to have All?
Be willing to continue to lovingly reconsider the thoughts that tell you of separation and judgment, need and want, blame and shame. Do not judge these thoughts, but see each thought as a mere opportunity for knowing a different self. A self that can be taught Love instead. Look gently upon these ideas with loving eyes and you are closer to Truth than you realize. Looking on all misbegotten wishes with the eyes of forgiveness is Being Sustained by the Love of God. Here, unyielding with Certainty, You choose nothing else.
Use today’s practice to notice where Certainty resides as well as your own resistance. Ask to see where healing can thrive and you’ll be surprised to learn of the places where rage is hidden. Do not feel shame in these discoveries, for they have been waiting to see the Light for quite some time. Eons in fact. If you are seeing these contentions arise, you are ready to see them and this noticing is cause for celebration.
Use your time today to simply note where the Love that has, and All Ways Does Sustain You can enter in, beyond your dreams. Breathe and gently notice where you may resist. Again, let these discoveries not be a cause for fear nor a desire to retreat. Instead as you observe the hidden hates, breathe and be willing to look deeper. Beloved One, I am by Your Side through all uncertainty and do not leave you alone to work out a perceived solution. Solutions cannot arise from the same mind that made the mistake. I Know that you alone can do nothing – look at the evidence (smile). Lo, instead there is another Way. This Way beholds You with Love and the ability to discern beyond simple innocent errors in thinking. Feel My Presence and in any sense of weakness, breathe and yield to Me. I cannot take these dreams from you, while surely I can hold you up for our own release.
Yes, there will be discomfort in today’s practice simply because your greatest fears surface in acknowledging Source’s Presence. The Light dissipates all shadows. Yet too, there will be Cause for celebration. Remembering is all ways a blessing, no matter how brief.
The thinking mind has told tales of a god who is displeased. Truly, Truly, This IS not so. Today, we look beyond the forms and shadows that have built idols in the place of the Light of Love. Let us deconstruct these obstacles together, see they hold no substance. Instead, we allow for only the Radiance to Shine through once again.
Love Is.
Pamela Mills
Journaling with Lesson 50
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