Journaling with Lesson 49
What is God’s Voice? Source’s Voice is the Pure Knowledge of You as Extension, as Creation. God’s Voice is more than words, in fact words themselves as symbols or enunciation that ‘speaks’ is actually a very limiting representation. God’s Voice is the stillness of Certainty. God’s Voice is Awareness of Truth. God’s Voice ‘speaks’ through a multifactorial nature, beyond words or sounds, but uplifting feeling of Radiant JOY. God’s Voice is felt in ‘every single cell’ of Your Beingness.
Hearing God’s Voice is an active listening to the Witnessing of Truth. God’s Voice speaks to you all through the day simply because Source does not, has not abandoned You. God is in Constant Awareness of Creation. Source is in Certain Realization of All That Is Extended and so is in impermeable connection with You.
God’s Voice testifies to Your Truth. The willingness to hear God’s Voice is the choice to ‘tap in’ to the Reality of Self and All Creation. I have spoken before about the ‘ancient forgotten song.’ This comparison is a metaphorical representation of The Call, which I have shared before as a representation of Source reaching out to the Whole of Creation. The Awareness of Truth is another way of stating this validation; yet, in essence this is a never-ending Connection between Source and Same-Self-Source. The Call or the Song is like a ‘call and response’ in music. Source expresses or extends and Same-Self-Source answers or affirms. If utilizing Biblical references, God’s Call would be simply “I Am” and Same-Self-Source would respond “That I Am.” One Voice in essence, One Creation in Truth.
Today’s practice is an attempt to consciously remember this eternal flow between Source and Same-Self-Source. Today, as you become still, you in your conscious choice are reaching past the clouds, the shadows, the busyness. Here, you are purposefully quieting the mind, beyond the thinking mind, beyond the incessant judgment, cacophony, or narration of the body-time-self experience. Use time today to notice the noise and observe the stillness. Watch the ‘world’ within for where your quietness rests, as if you are walking between the raindrops or hearing the pause between the notes. Then as you become more aware of the ‘in-between’ choose to simply go deeper into this space rather than be distracted or tempted by the other ‘sounds.’
Let Me be clear. None of these sensations will be physically heard with the ears. Similar to how My words are felt in your cognizance now. The experience of today’s practice will be a mindfulness of joining more than spoken words. A common misperception of this lesson is when practitioners expect to ‘hear’ a voice with auditory stimulation. I understand how this could be the expectation because your comparisons are associated with body-time-self. Therefore, to experience a ‘voice’ is to ‘hear’ with auditory experiences.
Beloved One, do not allow judgment to interfere with your willingness to practice. Do not allow for an expectation to lead to disappointment. A significant component of our joining relates to stepping outside of the perceptions that you now hold. This means stepping beyond the definitions of body-time-self and deeper into the connection of Same-Self-Source which is a non-physical / noncorporal experience. If our practice was meant to be an ‘earful’ there would be no reason to still the mind. Sounds speak first, they are the loudest or most persistent of your perceptions. There is not much required for physical sight or auditory sound; however, reaching into inner awareness requires a deeper understanding of consciousness.
Today is very much a practice of the ability to be still and listen. Much of our practices together focus on stillness or on the ‘space between.’ Forgiveness, ‘looks, waits and judges not’ and your connection to a deeper awareness comes from looking ‘beyond appearances.’ Not many of our practices happen on the level of the conditional world and neither does today. Yes, the body will for all intents and purposes be unmoving. However, the intensity of the practice will be within, through closed eyes and sought out silence.
Seeking out silence amidst the distractions of the conditional world can seem complicated. However, what if I was to say that the majority of your temptations emit from within the thinking mind rather than the world surrounding the body? We have shared before how this is correct, because perceptions begin as projections. The judgments and determinations of the inner world become or make the narrative perceived in the outer world. Stillness is yours for the claiming, by simply noticing in what order the world plays out.
Yes, there are times when a practitioner with much concentration or natural inclination towards inner-sensing, can more easily access their introspective perception of Self. Consider this description as the humble or gentle ones in human terms. These less boisterous reach naturally within and can more readily arrive at a quieter space than those who are relying upon the world to complete them. Yet, this does not mean that those who are more extroverted in personality cannot access the inner sanctum. There is a myriad of seeming introverts who are surrounded by a cacophony of noise that the ears cannot hear. Therefore, distractions occur for all wanderers.
Become most familiar with the distractions or temptations that lure you from Self and stillness, that way you can more easily choose again. As you choose to become more acquainted with the ways that the thinking mind attempts to lure towards false identity, the less struggle will appear in your forgiveness practice. Consider this ‘the devil you know.’ Yes, more advancement arises from the student who becomes cognizant of the ways in which they are most diverted. Similarly, as we look at the themes of ‘attack thoughts’ there will be some that make more fury in you than others. Recognize these temptations and let them be the ones that are brought first to the altar of Peace.
Today we simply sink more deeply into Certainty. That is the simplest way to describe today’s lesson. Be willing to enter in to stillness, closing your eyes and stepping between the raindrops.. listen for the Presence of Peace beyond the noise. Be Still and Know. Here you Will.
Love Is.
Pamela Mills
Journaling with Lesson 49
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