Journaling with Lesson 48
Simply said, the more you rely on the thinking mind and the conditional world, the more fearful these experiences will seem. Relying on weakness makes one weak. Focus on vulnerability and you relish in perceived threats and defenses. Seeing people, objects and circumstances through the lens of anxiety and need, reinforces these ideologies.
Do you want to release yourself from fear? The only Way is not to make the conditional world your home. Yes, as long as body-time-self seems to be here, there will need to be a use of this time for general functionality. However, the ways in which you see, interpret and rely upon what you see remains a choice.
A fearful belief is about seeing through that which is impermanent, which is contrary to Source. As the thinking mind judges a conditional world filled only with lack, loss and limitation the cycle of blame, shame and guilt continues. In this mindset is all vulnerability perceived.
To step out of this mindset is merely to notice it. Ask yourself what are your goals. What idols do you keep? What necessities are chosen for self-definition? What excites you and depletes you? Where do you seek reward and then feel disappointment? Where do you perceive yourself with the thoughts you think? Can any of these thoughts and situations be reinterpreted?
Fear is a choice. Yes, I agree that fear seems like a reaction, coming at you or to you from within the mind. However, once again, if not true for all, not True at all. This is why disciplining for willingness to See again is necessary. Many identities have brought their thinking minds to a state of Being where fear is not felt or shown on the surface. This does not mean that fear does not exist for these people in these circumstances. However, fear is noticed and placed in proper perspective. Then, with further willingness and Trust in Self over fear, a quiet answer is obtained. In a sense this practice is self-forgiveness.
Fear is much more than a feeling or behavior. Fear is an assumption that Source Created weakness, impermanence and imperfection – all of which are not True. To see through the eyes of fear is to make the same mad choice, doubting Self-Same-Source and Source repeatedly. Therefore, one self-inquiry that can help right the path is simply breathing and asking, “ Who Am I?” then repeat. Do your best to focus and settle beyond the wandering thinking mind. Choose to See beyond the temptation towards fear.
Where you place your treasure, that is where you are. The metaphor of “building the house on sand” speaks to this impermanence as your experience. While stone is more firm than sand, this parable compares these foundations to trust in temporal misbegotten self or Trust in Source. If you trust in a misbegotten thinking mind, where only uncertainty reigns, of course there will be much to fear! However, if all experiences are given to Source, in Trust for All that IS Real, the temporal experiences will not take root.
This teaching does not mean that uncertain experiences will not happen; but as they do occur, you will see yourself beyond them. Perhaps, yes, success will require practice, but every step forward through the willingness to See differently is an advancement. Here you may begin to notice that your moments of fear lessen than times experienced before. Soon, with even more willingness, giving over to Peace will present as more instantaneous. Here we are literally retraining the mind by greater Awareness of Certainty.
Yes, Beloved, fear is a choice and one that does not serve you well. Does fear protect? Only if intelligence is ignored. It is not fear that keeps the body from making detrimental choices, but the simple realization that some choices do not serve you well, while other choices do. The acknowledgment of fear does not keep you from murdering another seeming body. You choose not to do this behavior because you can simply intelligently recognize that this behavior is not purposeful. Yes, there were plenty of occasions in prior times that this recognition was not known. Here, less purposeful choices were made and results perceived. However, time is a gift where a body-time-self can indeed see beyond its own wayward choices and perceptions. Therefore, by not making these choices, you are merely saving your time from misery or injury.
There is much you can come to See when choosing with Knowledge instead. This is building your house on stone. Knowledge testifies to Your Truth and only wants to use time well if time is perceived at all. Therefore, learning to Trust in Source is essential. This Trust is built by simple recognition. Notice the thoughts, breathe, release and rest. Ask “Who Am I?” Is your house on sand or stone? Take a moment to observe how fear indeed has served you before and how potentially you could perceive more peacefully and confidently if choosing a different Loving Guide. Love merely awaits your agreement.
Love Is.
Pamela Mills
Journaling with Lesson 48
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