Yes, Beloved One, you have invented the world you see simply because this experience is not the world that represents Source. We have spoken before about Source, Who has Extended to Same-Self-Source, and IS Unlimited. In taking a moment to look around you, do you See any lifeform or object that is unlimited or without condition? The earth you know sits at the brink of destruction, in a myriad of ways – some physical and many others emotional. Humankind perceives itself in very short-term body suits, mitered by ‘lives’ of suffering. Here, not but tragedy and condition are your ideals. Again, Beloved, how can such an existence be reflective of a Loving Source? To what Purpose would such a torturous existence accomplish for a Loving Source or Their Extension? Surely, none.
Today, we take another brief look at these grand schemes of delusional thinking only to set us back on the path of Certainty. We use time to our benefit of unlearning and redirecting our Sight. We choose to return to an inner Vision of not but Ever-Extending Love, Boundless Joy and Undisturbed Peace. Here we See through the Spiritual Eye of Same-Self-Source Who Only Knows.
The idea and comprehension of seeing is rather misunderstood in body-time-self. The central point or focus of the thinking mind is the perception of self. This perception hinges upon a body, which is like a puppet to its puppeteer. In terms of what the puppeteer comprehends, awareness is viewed through the misbegotten mind and acted out upon through the puppet. Therefore, when I speak of ‘seeing’ the immediate recognition is with a body’s eyes. This is not an accurate representation. Therefore, the word ‘seeing’ or ‘sight’ may need to be alternatively considered as ‘knowledge’ or ‘knowing.’ The word ‘recognition’ can also be utilized in this format. Now, look again at the lesson: “I have invented the world I [know or recognize].” Here we step away from a body’s definition of seeing to the identification occurring from within the thinking mind. This simple correction redirects the learner to no longer expecting visual phenomena.
The misunderstanding, corrected above, allows you to step away from expecting to see changes in your external world. This change of mind also permits you to no longer measure your advancement on this Course through temporal conditions. This does not mean that with the ever-present practice of forgiveness, changes will not occur in your physical world or within interactive relationships. Yes, there will be some new experiences. You can understand these as natural consequences of putting forth a more accurate knowledge of your Self. However, these changes are ‘collateral coincidence’ in comparison to the goal of our forgiveness practice. The reason why the change of conceptualization from body’s central purpose to awareness’ purpose is that you can accomplish a plethora more effectively by not expecting external changes. In fact, your entire path of unlearning will be profoundly altered by this simple seeming correction.
With this simple seeming correction, no longer will you expect other people to change the more intensely you seem to ‘forgive them.’ This mistaken principle is one of the more significant pitfalls of Course students early on. “Well, I’ve forgiven them, why won’t they change?!” Then, sometimes quite literally, all hell of sorrow, resentment, frustration, anger, shame and blame breakthrough again and the student gives up in disappointment.
There is also the pitfall of misappropriating one’s personal reliance on possessions within the earthly world, also referred to as ‘manifesting.’ This magical thinking is also a mistaken use of one’s time and identification. Time would be so much better spent by simply accepting Self beyond any formative definition, no matter the external conditions. Happiness is not dependent upon a dollar figure. Ask any of the most materialistically wealthy among humanity and you will see a theme well-played. Yes, the functioning within the conditional world has values attached to them, making one’s experiences seemingly easier if ‘privileged.’ This does not equally relate to or define your True Self.
A Mind determined to See need not define themselves through these external conditions. Either way, gratitude exists as the first state of knowing. Like that parable, about the Chinese farmer who responds to all occurrences with “maybe.” This man’s focus is on the moment. He does not alter to the left or right in thoughts of ‘good luck’ or ‘bad luck.’ He simply looks, waits, and judges not. Sound familiar?
Therefore, when the magical thinking practice of attempting to grow wealth or materialistic gain in this world becomes a means for affirming Spiritual Identity or the Truth of Oneself, let me simply then ask: ‘to what end?’ and ‘for what purpose?’ Where can any conditional means accurately represent Wholeness Without Limitation? Surely such a depiction would be impossible, for each result would be the opposition of the other.
No worldly gain or loss is an accurate representation of Truth. None. Not one. Not a gazillion dollars, a brand-new mansion or luxury car. Not a sexually fulfilling relationship or powerful career with stock portfolio. Not any amount of “little metal discs or paper strips” equivocally defines You. Why would an Endless Eternal Source utilize conditional means to confirm or deny its Self? Likewise, no lack or deficiency, even abject poverty, within the world represents Truth in Self, either. This recognition is probably easier for you to accept because no one would wish to see a self in destitution. That said, when it comes to the achievement of conditional prosperity or abject poverty, Source recognizes neither. Such a representation would not only be in direct opposition to Truth but would define Source’s Eternal Extension through a reward and punishment system, which also is ridiculous.
Confusion does seem to stem from how a body-time-self defines. The billion-dollar stock portfolio only symbolizes the thinking mind’s understanding of happiness or personal protection. Neither representation is accurate, because every material good has conditions attached, the temporary achievement overshadows the longer-term perspective. This is why we say that the ego ‘seeks but does not find.’ The goal posts are constantly moved and there is never permanent satisfaction when relying upon temporal forms. No ‘security’ is actually achieved.
For this reason, today, I’d like to confirm that your ‘seeing’ is not with the body’s eyes, but with the inner awareness, which is not tangential or defined through forms. Today, we are not just noticing how every condition within the world is unequivocal to Source’s Beingness. We step forward to recognize the thinking mind’s perceptions as attempting to oppose Source, claim its own ‘way’ as being in denial of Self-Same-Source.
You have invented the world you see because you have invented an imaginary self apart from Source. With imagination comes fictional circumstances. No, the body self does continue to undergo the themes of self-destruction; but, with our practice we turn from this temporal definition to One that Only Certainly Exists. Today, we simply practice by stepping away from the thinking mind’s own distorted definitions. Today, we simply practice by heartfully becoming more Aware. Today, we no longer choose for or by ourselves. Today, we simply step back and let another Beingness lead the way, not in temporal conditions, but in True and Joy-filled Beingness.
Put down your jagged playthings, Beloved One. Step away from the edge of emptiness and the perceptions of death. You need not have these identities, for they simply do not serve you well. Enter in with Me, through Being an Accurate Witness to All You Are. Not in temporal or temporary experience, but in Truth Everlasting. Be in Joy without condition. If any thought of emptiness is to arise, fill the void not with mindless wishes or more dreams, but only Certainty. If you feel like you cannot know for certain, because you are only beginning to discover beyond your own thinking mind, this is the perfect opportunity to simply turn towards Me. Breathe, release and rest. Be willing to still your thinking mind and say, “I know not, show me.”
Beloved One, I will step forth as you call yourself from the darkness. Who Am I? Not but the Guide of Truth and the Light Bearer of Love. Let us come together to Know Thyself and renounce all other misbegotten dreams.
Love Is!