JOIN Living the Course or do another year
I was prompted by that still small voice within me to get into the Ashram and share my experience with Living the Course so that those of you who are not part of that community, or those who already are, could make a decision for YOU and either join or sign up for another year.
I am a minister and have done years of work on myself. I have lived on this planet for 75 years, learned a lot and experienced a lot as well. One of my most fabulous experiences is the LTC community and all the love and trust, honesty and open-mindedness that exists in that space.
In this season of gift giving, give yourself the gift of spending time with people who are like-minded, people who desire to raise the consciousness of this planet, people who desire for all people to realize that it is LOVE, JOY, and PEACE that are real and all the rest is how we are choosing to see something other than the Divine.
In full disclosure, no one has asked me to do this and it might seem a bit too preach-y for some of you, AND, I am absolutely certain if you really desire to be the best you in 2024, that LTC is one path that works! I just wanted you to know that.
BTW, if finances are an issue, email I suspect there is a way that you can finance it or get help because I know Mark and Aaron want everyone to be a part of this amazing 365 days of life lessons.
Joy, BLISS, and Blessings to each of you!
Larrye-Marie Heyl
JOIN Living the Course or do another year
LTC Ashram
A Global Spiritual Community Dedicated To Living A COURSE IN MIRACLES.
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