Aug '23 (edited) in Feed
Heart versus Mind moments
Hi, Divine Family. I’m curious about your ebbs and flows with heart versus mind reactions to ACIM. Two days ago, I was weeping from the Love I felt, reading lesson 233. It spoke to a challenging situation I’d had the night before, and how I’ve learned to turn it over to God. The wisdom and the synchronicity just overwhelmed me with feelings of being protected, guided and cared for. Up bubbled some wistfulness too, for the many decades when I was a prodigal daughter, turning away from God and, at times, even being atheist.
Then, the next day (yesterday), my mind was in charge, analyzing the text, taking it in logically, no emotional response at all. I’m not judging the ebb and flow, I’m just curious about your own experience with the heart/mind mix when focusing on ACIM. Thanks for your thoughts!
Laura Derocher
Heart versus Mind moments
LTC Ashram
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