Dec '23 (edited) in Feed
Are you open to the challenge Jesus clearly states in ACIM as the path to experience love?
Here is possibly the clearest statement in the whole course about how we must look at the ego with Jesus/Holy Spirit in order to undo the blocks we’ve built to block love. Really try to accept the atonement through doing what Jesus states as the process. Don’t let the ego fool you into believing you can speak about truth of God from your believed separated state and understand what it means with your tainted perception. Perception is made through projection and is not a fact brothers and sisters! Really challenge yourself to follow Jesus and learn his course without all the blocks you build every day with pretending to be peaceful when all day judgments and grievances are rampant in your thinking mind which you entertain. Jesus states clearly here that the dynamics of the ego will be our lessons for a while cause you MUST first look at this to see beyond it!!! So how by saying what reality is and saying I’m only love all day long while secret sins And hidden hates are allowed to be in your thoughts???? After looking QUIETLY together with Jesus (bringing your illusions to the light) through his vision you allow yourself to look beyond illusion to the TRUTH!!!!! You can see how trying to focus on the light and truth is just trying to jump over and skip the little steps our older brother asks us to make and look at directly!!!! How will you get past your minds blocks by doing the opposite of what Jesus asks of you???? These are the ways we can truly challenge ourselves to get deeper into peace by removing the blocks and therefore remembering love’s presence in our mind! Let the process that ACIM spells out clearly be your prayer to yourself for forgiveness. The only problem is that you believe in separation from God. The only answer is in undoing that belief (ego) by looking with Jesus/Holy Spirit and the light that’s non specific that is always shining will eventually come through in inspiration, peace, joy, laughter, lightness or any other symbol your mind can accept and reflect in form. Remember however the form is not reality nor will it ever be!!!! Accept no forms as your reality but let the unconditional love blast through into your experience by what Jesus asks through the entire course: Brother choose once again what you’d have your reality be. Abide in that quiet center where all problems can be clearly seen as separation trying to convince you that you’re a hateful thing that judges and condemns yourself to hell when in reality if we simply and quietly look with Jesus and allow ourselves to not take that tiny mad idea (shown to us over and over again each moment of each day) seriously we can look beyond to the experience of truth. Try brothers and sisters to not make your reality what you’d have it be and believe yourself to be RIGHT, instead know you’ve been wrong gladly and soar back to heaven with the awareness of love that you are through the abundance of willingness to be taught by your True Teacher. I’ll join with you all as one There.😘🥰❤️🌈😍🌅🙏🌸🔥
Dennis Goodrich
Are you open to the challenge Jesus clearly states in ACIM as the path to experience love?
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