«This idea obviously follows from the two preceding ones. ²But while you may be able to accept it intellectually, it is unlikely that it will mean anything to you as yet. ³However, understanding is not necessary at this point. ⁴In fact, the recognition that you do not understand is a prerequisite for undoing your false ideas. ⁵These exercises are concerned with practice, not with understanding. ⁶You do not need to practice what you already understand. ⁷It would indeed be circular to aim at understanding, and assume that you have it already.
It is difficult for the untrained mind to believe that what it seems to picture is not there. ²This idea can be quite disturbing, and may meet with active resistance in any number of forms. ³Yet that does not preclude applying it. ⁴No more than that is required for these or any other exercises. ⁵Each small step will clear a little of the darkness away, and understanding will finally come to lighten every corner of the mind that has been cleared of the debris that darkens it.
These exercises, for which three or four practice periods are sufficient, involve looking about you and applying the idea for the day to whatever you see, remembering the need for its indiscriminate application, and the essential rule of excluding nothing.
³I do not see this typewriter as it is now.
⁴I do not see this telephone as it is now.
⁵I do not see this arm as it is now.
Begin with things that are nearest you, and then extend the range outward: ²I do not see that coat rack as it is now.³I do not see that door as it is now.⁴I do not see that face as it is now. It is emphasized again that while complete inclusion should not be attempted, specific exclusion must be avoided. ²Be sure you are honest with yourself in making this distinction. ³You may be tempted to obscure it. (ACIM, W-9.1:1-7;2:1-5;3:1,3-5;4:1-4;5:1-3)
If I see only the past, and my mind is preoccupied with past thoughts, then obviously I see nothing as it is now. “But while you may be able to accept it intellectually, it is unlikely that it will really mean anything to you as yet” (1:2). The Course clearly recognizes a vast difference between intellectually accepting an idea and truly understanding it, so that it has become a part of us. (Circle of atonement)
This last three lessons have been very insightful for me. If we see nothing but our past, and our past does not exist, then we do not see reality. My thoughts always seem to be about worry, so I’m focused on the future. That certainly does not bring me peace. At least I’m aware of it but I have to be more diligent and choose again.
I hear you. You are obviously doing great on your journey as It starts with awareness and that is a big deal too. Also, I think every time we choose peace we reprogram our brains and create new neurons. On the level of spiritual growth / aligning with the Holy Spirit rather than using our ego mind, that also starts with awareness and eventually it will click and become a deeper “understanding” and we choose more and more from a place of alignment with the Holy Spirit.
I see nothing as it is now- as I practiced this, there was a gentle highlight of an attached thought behind every item. I enjoyed that awareness.
Example- as I said, I am not seeing that picture as it is now... there was a gentle memory of who I was with when I bought the picture. Or with the clouds, there was a gentle highlight of previous thoughts of what I had previously experienced thinking when looking at a cloud. I noticed that not one thing didn't already have a previous thought.
Super fun noticing thoughts behind a thought with random objects 🙌
If I even don 't see now, then the question that arises would be, so how does real seeing happen? I come back to being aware of NOW, with the knowing, that what I see is not true. So this becomes NOT KNOWING. Here I see, that knowing on that level, is not necessary for me, to be happy, in peace, a gift for the whole, loving, etc. Now isn 't that a release? With me it is not an intellectual release: I don t know. Ahhh, I feel often, how that certainty gives me great peace. And joy.
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