Nov '23 (edited) in Feed
A little Miracle
I got prompted to share this. During the pandemic I was losing my job b/c I chose not to get the V. The evening b4 my last day of work I was beyond super stressed b/c I had no other support. I lost my parents a few yrs back & I am a single parent. I spent all night preparing grievances for my Union which included all the laws that were being violated w forcing the V. At around 12am, I was going up to bed feeling so disheartened, anxious and exhausted. As I was walking up the stairs I kept repeating to myself "God please let there be light and let the darkness go". I am not very religious. I consider myself an open minded skeptic. I have read parts of ACIM so a friend gave me these q cards a few yrs ago. A few days prior to this night, I had pulled out one of these cards from my night stand to use as a protector for my hot tea. Going back to when I was walking up the stairs asking God to let the light come & darkness go. I sat on my bed and something made me look toward my night stand. I saw this tea stained card & picked it up. I just couldn't believe what it said. Let me see if I can share a pic of it here.
Michelle Elizabeth
A little Miracle
LTC Ashram
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