I was just reading and talking to OGs And some poor broads back in the day way back said they’d rather feed a pet than to have a child because a child could hold up business and could halt traffic coming to your ho house. The game is cold. And so the world notices when you are taking care of your kids and still winning and handling business Stay winning. At all cost. when the broads talk about it with their friends it’s noticeable. And maybe we can get chose. But when we are dependable to our customers, we get rich ya dig. put your business first ya dig. About parenting I was just reading something about most fathers don’t know what advice to give their sons after graduation. My dad was saying something seminar when I was graduating from the streets. I told him that it was time. And he was like, well son dont plan on getting a job like me because they don’t have enough social security to pay me and my generation, they won’t have the money to pay your social security. (I was like damn) We must have it figured out in order to give our kids some game before they get out here ya dig