My Pastor Asked Me A Question 👇
Every Sunday before our service I meet with my pastor for 1 hour of training and instruction in the word
This morning we spoke about understanding the fast I just did and why the fast was needed
We are very vulnerable with each other and it's most important to do it with someone you trust in a very high regard
He asked me a question that stated "Clint, is everything you're doing in business and and ministry bringing people closer in their relationship to Jesus?"
For me, I question myself at times because what is being built to position Jesus at the front is very hard to do without bringing you in front to build a company, brand, etc.
This is something I'm going to pray on this week and moving forward and I ask you to pray as well when it comes to your life, your purpose, and what you are building.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you"
How are you seeking the kingdom in what you are doing in your current season of life?
Clint Riggin
My Pastor Asked Me A Question 👇
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