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PR-Mind is happening in 3 days
Thought building ====
I can't wait to see how this community grows and develops with likeminded individuals. I believe you reap what you sow and you eat what you grow!
Dealing with your problems is like popping zits. It gets worse before it gets better
Take a moment today and ask yourself what uncomfortable feelings you may be having. Write down what could be causing those feelings and how you can address them by identifying the root cause. Often these things come up when we are going through a transition or developing phase in our lives. But just like our bodies are trying to tell us when something is going on so it is likewise our environments will leave clues to pay attention to.
Nothing Stands Alone
Nothing stands alone, with every step taken you are actively bringing your self closer to your goals or further away from them. Align your compass to your utmost potential and watch everything come into place. Don't waste one more day.
New comment Jan 30
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Fools For The King
Raising Jesus disciples in God given identity, equipping the believer through the word of God, testimony, inspired messages, & keys in the Kingdom.
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