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Hello! A very warm welcome to your new community at LG English Online. The online learning platform for Learning Gate English School in Mafra, Portugal. Naturally most of our clients are Portuguese speakers but you do not need to be Portuguese to join our community. The goal of this group is to create a vibrant community of English learners who need to start speaking English confidently, towards fluency. From beginners to advanced students. We are in the foundation/beta phase right now. Start by checking out these link: Classroom Mission Blog To start things off, please comment below, introducing yourself. Let us know: 1) Your name 2) Why you need good English See you in the comments!
New comment Nov '23
Condensed English Course
Hi Bill, I would like to know more about the Condensed English Course. How much it cost? Thank you Sandra
New comment Nov '23
New to our classroom?
Hey, welcome to our Skool classroom! If you are new to class, let us know who you are in the chat! If you are inscribing for your Online Condensed Beginner Course, let me know and I will give you access ASAP! 😊
New comment Nov '23
Condensed English
Hi, Sff inscreva-me em seu novo curso, Condensed English 🙂
New comment Oct '23
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Learning Gate English
Your online community related to Learning Gate English School
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