Write something
DAILY QUEST- 30/04/2024
This one's pretty simple. All I want you to do is go & do 100 push ups, right now. Why? It'll build your discipline. Because as soon as I said do 100 push ups, what did you think? "This is stupid" "I'll do it after I've read the post." "I don't want to mess my training schedule up" All of this is is bullsh*t. You'll just try to make excuses. But when we beat those excuses, that's when we level up our discipline. So you have your opportunity to do that right now, take it. Go & do your push ups.
DAILY QUEST- 29/04/2024
I failed. There was no daily quest yesterday. Instantly, I thought.. "Well you may as well delete the community then" And for few a few minutes, I was actually questioning it. Fortunately, I snapped out of it and realised how f*cking stupid I was being. It's been 3 days since I launched this, of course it won't be big yet. But do you know what? If I never did my meditation, I think I would've never snapped out of that thought. I might've actually deleted this community. This is just a reminder, go & do your meditation right now.
DAILY QUEST- 27/04/2024
Everyone's talking about failure. Apparently if you want to get better, it's crucial. Well what if I were to tell you that's not true? Instead of having to learn from your own failures, you cam just learn from others failures. That could literally save you years of effort.' YEARS. So, your daily quest for today is to share your most recent failure in the comments below, then share how you learnt from it. When we do this we'll all help each other so much, by doing this you might save someone a whole year, maybe even a decade. So do it right now, help someone out.
New comment Apr 27
DAILY QUEST- 26/04/2024
First of all, welcome bro. This is the first daily quest of many. The daily quest for today is simple, all you need to do is write your goals down. If you haven't already, check out the "HOW TO SET GOALS" module, so you can make them SMART goals. After you've done that, I want you to reply to your own comment, then write down an action that you're going to do today to get you closer to that goal. For example, if it's you want to get to 10% BF, you could go on a run. Or if you want to scale to 10k/month with your agency, you could send 100 DMs right now. So who's going to do it?
1 member has voted
New comment Apr 27
Win A Month Of Coaching From Me!
Hey bro, first of all, welcome, I hope you're enjoying it here! For the first week of this community being open (26th April - 3rd of May), I'm going to run a competition. Whoever can place highest on the leaderboard will win a whole month of coaching with me, for free! However, there are a few rules to this.. 1) No trading likes If I see any of this, you're banned. If you see any of this, you should also report it. They're trying to cheat their way to the top, they're not putting in any work to win coaching that could've been yours! 2) No Spam You can't post more than 2 posts a day, so try & keep them valuable. However, there is no limits to the amounts of comments you leave, so if you have the time, try & comment on other peoples posts (provide value to them though, don't just spam). If you have any questions about the rules, DM me bro.
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