Legacy Builders
Private group
47 members
Welcome to Legacy Builders - This groups primary focus is to get you making money through creative finance Real Estate Investing, Wholesaling, Flipping and even Lending on deals.
This groups mission is to help educate you on the MANY different ways to make money in real estate. And more importantly Choose the strategy that best fits YOUR Goals. Then show you the necessary action steps to take.
What You'll Get
-- A community of people all trying to achieve financial freedom
-- Live Seller Calls and community challenges.
-- Get to Follow along on my own personal journey as well as Learn the strategies and education that I have paid mentors many thousands of dollars for.
**Use my Fix and Flip Deal Analyzer ( Google Sheet Please Make a copy)
** Use my Quick Wholesale Offer Calculator ( Make a copy)
** Use my contracts ( Please check with an attorney depending on your State)
Legacy Builders
Learn, take action, lean on community, make money in Real Estate
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