- Favor Moves keys toward the previous/next keys. When multiple keys are selected, keys further from the next/previous key move more slowly. - Blend Moves keys toward the previous/next keys, like Favor. When multiple keys are selected, all keys move at the same speed. - Shift Moves keys toward the previous/next keys by moving them all together, they don't change relative to each other. - Linear Moves keys toward being on a line between the next/previous keys. - Average (curve) Moves keys toward the average of the next/previous keys on the same curve. - Average (frame) Moves keys toward the average of other selected keys on the same frame. - Average (all) Moves keys toward the average of the next/previous keys for all curves with selected keys. - Default Moves keys toward the default values. Usually this is 0, but some properties use other values. For example, scale uses 1. - Setup Moves keys toward the setup pose value. - Store Moves keys toward the stored curves. Use store to set the stored curves.