Welcome to the Westminster English Community!
In this community, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your English language potential in a fun and engaging way. With new lessons uploaded every day, we cover a variety of essential topics, including grammar, phrasal verbs, idioms, vocabulary, speaking and pronunciation, and listening skills.
Our lessons are designed to be interactive and practical, allowing you to apply what you learn in real-life situations. As a member, you’ll sometimes have the unique opportunity to upload recordings of your speaking for personalised assessments from our team. This feedback will help you refine your skills and boost your confidence in speaking.
You’ll also receive free ebooks and valuable learning materials throughout your journey with us. Our community is also a supportive space where you can connect with fellow learners.
All of this for only $4, less than a price of a cup of coffee. You can cancel at any time.
We're waiting for you inside!