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Welcome to LanguageSuperpowers!
Dear Community, Thank you for joining Language Superpowers! I have a couple of questions. What do you think of this welcome letter to members of our community? Is there anything I should add or take away? Ideally, we'll build a community of like-minded people. Motivated learners who want to power up their English skills. And expert teachers and coaches who use the best principles of language learning science. If you share this vision, please stay with us, participate, and help us grow. Sincerely, Dr. Shock PS: If you joined for free, this community will stay free for you. *****Welcome to LanguageSuperpowers!***** We are a group of people who love learning and teaching languages. Here's how we help English learners: **Grow Fluency:** Do you want to get a natural, automatic feel for English? In 90 days, we’ll help boost your English fluency 25%-35% for speaking, listening, and reading. **Get Better Test Scores:** Do you have a low IELTS score of 4.0 or 5.0? A low TOEFL iBT of 40-55? A low TOEIC score of 450 to 550? In 3-6 months, we’ll help you move up to the next level. **Track Progress & Get Support** Do you sometimes feel lost? Do you need a plan for learning English? Set and track goals with our goal setting and tracking systems. Track progress and reading speed. Track language input with our word count system. Get support from other learners, coaches, and teachers. **Learn with Friends and Experts:** Do you want to join a positive community of learners, coaches, and teachers? Learn with people with the same goals, and study with experts who know language learning science. Keep your motivation high as you learn in a dynamic community. **For Language Teachers and Coaches:** Do you want to improve your teaching methods with engaging, crystal-clear, and practical content? Enhance your skills with Dr. Shock in our course “21 Design Features of Language Learning,” featuring 21 short, impactful lessons. Teachers also see courses in "Elemental Linguistics."
Language Superpowers at Skool
English is easier than you think. Make it your superpower. Supercharge your English fluency in 3 months. I'm excited to open Language Superpowers at Skool. How do you want to power up your English communication skills?
Language Superpowers at Skool
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English Language Superpowers
English is easier than you think. Make it your superpower.
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