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270 members
Become a Knowledgepreneur and turn what you already know and love into profitable and impactful online education without "selling information" or becoming a sell out.
As an ex-professor, I know the value of having access to the right information so I've decided to give away access to Knowledgepreneur and let anyone copy my exact frameworks, strategies, and processes for monetizing knowledge.
I know my process works because I've done it myself and scaled it to six figures in revenue with a tiny audience size (less than 6k followers).
Inside Knowledgepreneur, you'll unlock free access to:
  • Knowledgepreneur Course ($500 Value)
  • Monthly Live Workshops ($100/mo Value)
  • Private Community of other creators & experts ($67/mo Value)
And these 3 free gifts:
  • Bonus #1 Personalized Offer Roast
  • Bonus #2 Custom AI GPTs
  • Bonus #3 Curriculum Templates
Lock in your free spot here:
Master the skill of turning your knowledge into impactful and profitable online education -- without selling information or becoming a sell out.
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