Just Another Version Of You
Private group
860 members
👋 Join JAVOY today! Your safe space to be entirely yourself, to share and gain insights from Giuseppe’s experience and hundreds of other versions of you.
A free-judgment zone to connect with like-minded supportive people.
What's inside JAVOY:
✅ Connection with Like-Minded People
✅ Forum with Topics related to Wellness
✅ Monthly Calls with Peppe and Special Guests (Normally Paid)
🎁 Bonus: FREE Access to my Exclusive Mindset E-book (Normally $29)
🎁Bonus: FREE Coaching from Peppe at level 7 (Normally $1500+)
and more soon...
👉 Join JAVOY today for FREE
Let’s GROW and HEAL together!
Just Another Version Of You
The Global Self-Love & Self-Discovery Community!
For support message one of the admins or send an email to: support@peppecurto.com
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