Jeff Smith's Inner Circle
Private group
10 members
$497 /month
In this community, you will get direct access to me every week over Zoom and learn how to get better results for your students and grow your coaching business.
You'll learn:
  1. What to teach - I'll cover the most advanced coaching techniques and how to apply it at every level from junior golf to the PGA Tour
  2. How to teach - I'll teach you how to structure a lesson, diagnose root cause, and prescribe effective solutions that get results quickly
  3. How to grow your coaching business - I'll teach you how to build an audience on social media and maximize your earning potential
Every week you'll be able to get support on your lessons with students and be able to get direct feedback from me on what you should do to grow your business.
As a bonus for being a member of the community, you'll have an open invitation to travel to Memphis to shadow me in person at no additional cost.
Jeff Smith's Inner Circle
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