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JAM Ambassador Call is happening in 13 days
❕JAM Ambassador Contract ❕
Hello amazing community :) This is for Ambassadors only. The ambassador contract is now available for signing. Please see attached your JAM Ambassador Contract and form. This document is required to be signed to confirm your understanding of our community guidelines, values and the four whys. It also guides us to understand how you can and want to contribute to the community. Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Just Another Moment Ambassador.
New comment 18d ago
21 days until Morocco
Hey team! I am hosting a group trip to Morocco. We have 2 tour options. 1: Hike only from £375 (9th-12th September) 2: full tour is £675 (9th-17th) If you want to come, know someone that might like it, please let me know! On the 9th of September we have a 9 day tour where we climb to the top of Mt Toubkal & then we spend 4 days in the Sahara Desert before wrapping up in Marrakech on the 17th of September. Above the tour we also integrate daily meditations, mindfulness practices, workshops and some group work. You can click on this link below for more information and to secure your spot. Flights, travel insurance & visas are not included.
New comment 18d ago
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