Jacked Nation
Private group
20 members
$5 /month
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people and all the resources you need to achieve your health & fitness goals in 2024.
What You'll Get Inside:
💪 Complete Foundations Courses for Beginners
💪 BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED Workout Plans (gym and calisthenics)
💸 Workout Challenges to win PRIZES and stay accountable
✅ Awesome Community to Answer your questions
🔥Bonus: Get on FREE GIVEAWAYS and challenges
🔥Bonus: FREE E-BOOKS drop every week
🔥Bonus: Get CUSTOM SUPPORTT for any doubts you have
Coaches charge $50-150 for access to a community like this, we do it for 5$. Do as your will, join us.
❗️Price increasing soon
Jacked Nation
Get access to personal support, and guides for every situation in fitness, challenges, prizes and giveaways
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