Welcome To Investor Savvy RE Agents
Welcome to Investor Savvy RE Agents. Here we will discuss all forms of creative finance deals with experienced creative finance Real Estate Agents.
Everyday it seems like we are getting more and more offers from investors or investment companies asking if sellers will take a “creative” offer. As with every industry times are changing and we need to keep up with these changes. We are here to educate and learn from one another to unlock our full potential and bring as much value to our clients that we can offer.
Let’s drop a picture of your business card, QR code or social media handle in the comments so we can all network together.
Shawn Hart
Welcome To Investor Savvy RE Agents
Investor Savvy RE Agents
Investor Savvy RE Agents educates real estate agents on subject-to and seller financing strategies, unlocking your full sales potential.
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