Started this group in September after several years of being dumber than a rock trying to trade the market.
Honestly did not think this was possible for me at first, but I’ve worked at it every single day since then and have noticed considerable changes.
i don’t even know what to say and the fact that this group is free is insane. You are the man! Took me just under 5 weeks to pass these 2 accounts, never blew the accounts but made some really dumb decisions a couple of times that held me back. The mental toughness and discipline is very real in these eval accounts and it took me a while but I’ve finally learned to disassociate with the outcome of my trades. Primarily run Jedi entries due to my schedule and I am very excited to continue this. 2 Evals passed, now to work on building a profit cushion next week!
Thanks guys you all are awesome!