A Memorable 1st Trade
It seems to have "clicked" for me, and I've been following the charts, looking for live opportunities. Yesterday, I saw what seemed to be a good setup for the Superman trade, so I looked at my buy/sell points, and watched the shorter timeline for my chance to risk a conservative .5%.
The moment came, and I bought my 1 little contract. Price immediately retraced, and things were looking good, but why was this position up so much, when I still hadn't hit my price target?
It turns out I was watching the chart for MES (Micro S&P), but my buying window in Tradovate was set to the standard S&P(ES).
Upon realizing this, I decided I couldn't afford to lose 5% of my portfolio because of a mistake, so I resolved to sell the trade if it came back down to even, but still maintain my price target of a 2:1 reward.
That's when the trade was auto-liquidated due to insufficient margin...
And so it was that my 1st trade returned 6%. Very likely the largest percentage return I will ever have.
I'm very thankful馃檹 for how it worked out, but understand it could have gone very poorly. If the trade had immediately gone against me, and I had to sell while down by several percent, I would have felt devastated. I hope that this post won't encourage anyone to risk more, but will serve as a humorous learning lesson.
Some lessons learned/Actions moving forward:
-It works!
-Double check your buying window ticker.
-I can maintain discipline on the "sell" side.
-That being said, emotions will still try to get me to work against myself(Watching the trade almost fail at times was not pleasant, especially after seeing it up so much just minutes before).
-I'm going to pay the $10/month to connect Tradovate to TradingView, and shouldn't ever have to worry about this again.
-Any single 1% trade is now small potatoes in comparison.
-I still haven't felt the pain of a loss, so I need to be prepared when it inevitably happens.
Feel free to share feedback.
Monty Gregoire
A Memorable 1st Trade
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