🚨BEWARE of “marketing” companies selling you aged leads or outbound voice AI services.
...These companies selling to agents don’t actually care about agents.
If they’re selling aged leads or outbound voice AI to your old list, they don’t care that you’re about to get sued. They don’t care that it could completely destroy your entire business with a couple lawsuits. They don’t care.
They just want to run up their numbers and sell you a service that, you know, they they’re hyping up as this miracle drug for your business.
It’s insulting as somebody who’s in the space and knows the dangers of some of these things. I just can’t believe that they’re selling this to you.
So here’s my advice. Run. Run as far as you can from companies selling you aged leads, run from companies that are saying we can use voice AI to call an old list or call an aged list.
It’s not worth the risk. There’s a lot of people that do it right. Use those companies.
Alex Branning
🚨BEWARE of “marketing” companies selling you aged leads or outbound voice AI services.
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