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Welcome to Inspired Disciples 🔆 (START HERE)
This is a community of inspired disciples of Christ dedicated to bringing Heaven on earth ✝️ Here are the COMMUNITY GUIDELINES - 🫡 1. Be respectful. Bullies will be banned. Offer constructive criticism instead and provide value. 2. This is not the place to sell anything or ask for money 3. Connect with each other. This is a safe space for you to be vulnerable and find other believers willing to help you grow Feel free to go check out the welcome message in the classroom section and read the other two pinned comments 👍
How Skool Works 💯 (How you'll get value from this community)
If this is your first time joining a Skool community, that's awesome! Here's how the app works - 📱 Skool encourages community engagement by awarding points every time you comment. These points help you level up and unlock more courses and materials. You'll see that the courses unlock once you reach level 2. Don't worry, I've set it up this way to motivate you to introduce yourself and engage. After just a few comments and replies, you should gain access to the courses. How to engage each day - 🗣️ 1. Write daily prayers or encouraging words God gives to you 2. Ask questions you are genuinely curious about 3. Respond to people's questions and build relationships
New comment 12d ago
Introduce yourself 🤝 (Make connections instantly)
Here's where you can introduce yourself! 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. What do you hope to get from this community? Optional: Feel free to share your social media handle too!
New comment 4d ago
Making interesting content
I'm still working on making stylized content that is consistent for posts; BUT in the process of just throwing something together I find that 100% (like you said) people watch the stories and reels before they engage with my posts.
New comment 3d ago
Just a message for everyone on this Beautiful Day!
In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word as with God, and the Word was God. He was the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, And without Him, nothing was made that was made. 1 John 1-3 NKJV If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1 NKJV Don't be consumed by the earthly—temporary treasures, but keep your focus on God’s heavenly treasures which are eternal and His will. And lastly, stay consistent with prayer, fasting, and Reading, and Learning His Word! God bless you all today! 😇🙏🏾✝️
New comment 4d ago
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