The Player's Circle
Private group
41 members
Let's face it, life as a man has challenges.
There is a reason why men's suicide/homeless/incarceration/addiction rates are the highest they've ever been.
We've gone from a Tribalistic lifestyle: hunting for food, conquering tribes, going on quests with other masculine men, gathering beautiful women to a lifestyle of degeneracy: uber eats to our house, 4k pornography sessions, video games/social media at the comfort of your room, drugs readily avaliable, sitting at a desk job for hours and hours.
Man was never supposed to adapt to this type of lifestyle, but it's forced down our throats, we have to make a conscious decision DAILY to evade these vices. We have to diligently work to fulfill our masculine energy, if not then a dark path lies ahead as I mentioned above...
Im definitely not saying I have all the answers, but I myself have successfully evaded a lifestyle of degeneracy through the guidance of others.
As Earl Nightingale says we're here to serve each other, just doing my part.
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The Player's Circle
Private group
Get serious & learn to cultivate your male sexual energy & transmute it into your fitness.
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