Infinite Man Academy
Private group
61 members
The Infinite Man Academy is a private, discreet group of self-actualised men dedicated to improving the MORE4 areas of their lives, including:
Dating & Relationships – through mastering high status communication, authentic connection and ethical attraction, they can create intimate relationships on demand, as well as build rockstar social circles of high-value men wherever they go...
Wealth Building & Business – by leveraging the superpower of charismatic connection, they network and use ethical persuasion mastery to attract money and resources as a byproduct of expressing their authentic selves...
Health & Fitness – they're masters of self-discipline, combining the stoic virtues of intelligence and knowledge with mastery of their physical body, self-defence and sports they compete and excel in...
Spirituality – all faiths & creeds are welcome, we all share a belief in something greater than ourselves and the material world, and have a spiritual practice whether it be prayer or meditation.
Infinite Man Academy
Discreet private group for men to help each other improve their relationships, finances, fitness & more
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