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Kingdom Bible Study 📖 is happening in 6 days
Yall down????👀
New comment Jun 14
Blessings on BLESSINGS!!
Congratulations to my brotha @Jordan Marshall on the birth of His beautiful baby girl ‘Journey’ 🙌🏾 all Praise to Christ, praying that He continues to bless you and Your family bro bro!!
New comment Jun 10
Glory of God & Glory of man
This video went over my head & will probably go over many folks head. But what I saw was that man is the Glory of God & Woman the glory of man. With that being said men we are subconsciously judged in the world by the presence of our women? For she is mans glory & we/man are Gods glory. For if man falls from relationship with God, we have put other things above God, such as when Adam bit the forbidden fruit, God had instructed Adam to not eat, not Eve. When Adam bit the fruit he disobeyed God, & put Eve above God. Causing Adam/ man to fall. If Adam would have rejected the fruit from Eve, he would have been showing Eve that his love for God is above his love for her/ people. So if woman falls short, is it only because man has fallen from obedience to God & to show mans glory (women) the truth?
New comment Jun 7
Here’s a list of some of the ones that I think are Jesus , the image of the invisible God. And here are some of His pre-incarnate appearances. In the Old Testament. @Jordan Marshall @Qui Nguyen Le 🙏🏾 yall let me know what you think, 1. Appearance to Abraham (Genesis 18) Three men visited Abraham, and one of them was God Himself. We know he was God because the text says, “and the LORD appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre.” The other two men were angels. 2. Appearance to Jacob (Genesis 32:22-32) Jacob once wrestled with a man all night, and that man was God. He said to Jacob, “your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel for you have striven with God, and with men, and have prevailed.” Afterward, Jacob named the place Peniel and said, “for I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” 5. Visit to Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:11-18) Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah to sacrifice him as God commanded. But when he was about to kill Isaac, the angel of the Lord appeared and told him to stop. He said, “now I know that you fear God seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son from me.” The angel spoke as if he was God. “Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!”” ‭‭John‬ ‭8:58‬ ‭NLT‬‬ 💡
My People!!!
Yall Welcome to ‘COA’ , a group platform Where we can come together and share all things encouraging our day to day faith and deepening our walk with Christ. I wanted to have a place that’s dedicated to us, people of God, where we can get our News , entertainment, sermons , and any other content that you think would bless someone. Also a live bulletin where we can outreach, share experiences and have small groups available. So Feel free to post! and engage with anything you see on the feed, invite anyone you feel would benefit from a community like this one . Love yall! 🙌🏾😁
New comment Jun 7
My People!!!
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