You NEED to implement email marketing in your projects
I posted this on X earlier, but I'm sure it can be useful here as well <3 :
From my Product Hunt launch I've received 5 new users inside http://MyChatbots.AI - Great! 🥳
I have had multiple 6 figure businesses over the years, but there's nothing cooler than making that first sale on a new launch!
The problem: out of those 5 new users, only 2 paid... so far! 🤔
See, I knew this would happen from previous launches I've done outside the #buildinpublic space over the past 10 years. 😎
However, 2 out of 5 buying is interesting:
- They've seen the pricing
- They clicked the button to CLAIM THE DEAL
- They entered their details to sign up
- They logged in...
But 3 of them didn't pay.
So much action was taken yet for whatever reason they didn't pull the trigger. 😬
So... Now what?
The solution: I've implemented an automated email follow-up system that moves people between 3 different email lists:
1. Users who signed up
2. Users who signed up AND paid
3. Users who signed up AND paid AND... Cancelled :(
This means that in whichever part of my sales process - or sales funnel - they are, they get targeted emails. 💡
If they canceled, I'll be reaching out saying I'm going to miss them, asking them WHY they canceled, and if there's ANYTHING I can do to get them to try again. 🙏
If they paid, I'll be reaching out to them welcoming them to the software they just purchased, I'll help them set up the software, and let them know how they can reach me if there's anything else I can help them with. 🔥
But most importantly: If they signed up, but didn't pay, I'm going to send them an email welcoming them as well, but with the signoff to choose a plan now and start using my product.
"When you activate your account today, you'll get instant to A, B, AND C!"
The next day, I'll thank them again, saying that something must've gone wrong, and they didn't activate their account by selecting a plan.
"See, when you don't activate your account RIGHT NOW, you'll be missing out on A, B, AND C. It'd be a shame for you if you had to do it the old way, while the new way is just a few clicks away! Get started today and I'll see you on the inside". 🙃
Whenever they decide to pull the trigger, whether it's on day one of my email sequence or day 7, my system will automatically move them from one list to the other, stopping the sales emails, starting the welcome emails, and helping them get started.
This ensures that non-paying leads are persuaded to buy, and paying customers are onboarding the best way possible and left satisfied with my product, all on complete autopilot!
I hope this helps you - ALWAYS implement this as I guarantee your sales will increase, customer satisfaction will go up, and you'll win back more by simply asking why they left and how you can win them back 😉.
Aron Prins
You NEED to implement email marketing in your projects
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