Automate videos generation
I've been noticing a lot of success stories with autogenerated videos lately (like awesome example here).
I just saw on X that Upen is creating YouTube videos in just 3 minutes 🤯!
Here is the tweet: Upen's Method
Here is the formula by Greg Isenberg:
  1. Scriptwriting: Use ChatGPT or Claude for drafts, refine them until they sound human. I personally prefer Claude.
  2. Visual designs: Use DALL-E 2 to generate thumbnails and graphics
  3. Video production: Use for quick and easy pro-level video creation
  4. Voiceovers: Use ElevenLabs for AI narration that doesn’t sound like robots (or use it to clone your voice)
  5. Optimization: Use VidIQ or Mr. Beast’s ViewStats for keyword research and channel optimization. I also enjoy using VidIQ to check most popular questions on other videos which gives me content ideas.
I also gather a few tools that could helps your video automation journey
Got more tools or tutorials? Drop them in the comments below!
I haven't tried this for now, but I'll in September for a new ecom project 🤫
Xavier Coiffard
Automate videos generation
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